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Procedures for the Assessment and Registration of IntPE

1 General

a) Full procedures are applied to initial application for the registration of IntPE.

b) For renewal application, simplified procedures are applied to avoid the resubmission of the documents submitted at the initial application.

2 Assessment and registration flow

a) The assessment and Registration is carried out according to Figure (Assessment and Registration Flow).

b) Application documents are accepted during the submission period notified by the Monitoring Committee. Applicants are requested to use the specified registration application forms.

3 Frequency of Assessment and Validity of Registration

a) Assessment is implemented once a year in principle.
b) The registration is effective for five years from the date of registration.

4 Submission of Application Documents

Application documents both in Japanese and English in Table shall be submitted for the assessment and registration.


Fig. Assessment and registration Flow of IntPE

(画像クリックで拡大 31KB)


Table Documents Necessary for Registration Application

(画像クリックで拡大 36KB)

5 Assessment Methods

5.1 General

The assessment is done in two stages. Preliminary assessment is done by the Assessment Committee in guidance of the Monitoring Committee followed by the Monitoring Committee final assessment.

5.2 Assessment by the Assessment Committee

a) Assessment Committee

    ・The Assessment Committee consists of experienced members of IPEJ and the other relevant institutions.
    ・The Assessment Committee commissions the assessment to Assessor Groups nominated from among IPEJ members.
    ・The number of Assessor Groups depends on the number of applicants. A chief assessor and two assessors (one assessor for renewal application) form a group. Assessors are selected according to the criteria described below.

b) Criteria for Assessor Selection
The Assessment Committee shall select Assessors (chief assessors and assessors). The term of assessors is two years in principle, but it can be renewed when necessary. The chief assessor shall be of the same technical discipline in principle with an applicant. The chief assessor shall have fifteen or more years of practical experiences of engineering work since graduation. The assessors shall be of the same technical discipline and optional subjects in principle with an applicant. The assessors shall have ten or more years of practical experiences of engineering work since graduation.

c) Criteria for Assessment
Applicants are required to meet all the requirements given in Assessment Criteria of IntPE. For renewal application, despite the above provision, only item (2)-2 and (5) of the assessment criteria are applied. Namely, an applicant’s effective registration of P.E.Jp and achievement of 250 or more CPD hours during the past five years.

d) Assessment Procedure
IPEJ shall accept a set of application documents and the assessment fees submitted by an applicant. If the application documents are found to be unsatisfactory, IPEJ shall immediately request the applicant to submit amended documents. If there is no further response from the applicant, IPEJ shall return the documents to the applicant, together with the assessment fees. Each assessor in-charge shall assess documents and make a judgment on pass or failure or request of an interview per each assessment item. An interview or the alternative shall be held, if necessary, to avoid inadequacy on the judgment. The Assessment Committee shall assess the results of assessment done by the assessor group in-charge.

5.3 Assessment by the Monitoring Committee

a) Report of Assessment Results
The Assessment Committee shall prepare and submit the documents listed below and explain the results of the committee’s assessment to the Monitoring Committee.

    ・Assessment Method
    ・Tabulation (Application number, Results of judgment per assessment item, Reason for pass or failure)

b) Confirmation of Procedures
The Monitoring Committee shall confirm that there are no inadequacy and contradiction to the assessment methods. The Monitoring Committee shall confirm that the tabulation corresponds to the application documents.

c) Decision on Pass or Failure
The Monitoring Committee makes a decision on pass or failure per applicant by the majority.

d) Notification of Pass or Failure
Immediately after completing the assessment, the Monitoring Committee notifies each applicant of pass or failure. The notice to any applicant who failed is accompanied by the following:

    ・Reason for failure
    ・Method of appeal for re-assessment to the Monitoring Committee

6 Assessment Records

The Monitoring Committee shall keep the records of assessment.

