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The Institution of Professional Engineers of Japan operates through the following organizations.

General Meeting

The highest voting body of the Institution.

Board of IPEJ

The Board of IPEJ deliberates and decides important matters related to operations at the Institution and executes business.

Regional Headquarters

We have headquarters in eight regions: Hokkaido, Tohoku, Hokuriku, Chubu, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu.
Each regional headquarters is active in information exchange, research and study meetings, tours, and lectures.

Prefectural Branches in the Kanto Koshin Region

We have eight prefectural branches in Kanagawa, Saitama, Nagano, Yamanashi, Chiba, Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma prefectures.
Each prefectural branch aims to activate regional activities and contribute to the local community.

Technical Discipline Divisions

Corresponding to the various disciplines of Professional Engineers, there are 19 divisions: Mechanical Engineering, Marine & Ocean/Aerospace, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Chemistry, Fiber & Textiles, Metals, Mining, Civil Engineering, Water Supply & Sewage, Environmental Engineering, Agriculture, Forest, Fisheries, Industrial Engineering, Information Engineering, Applied Science, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Environment, and Nuclear & Radiation division.
Each division is actively engaged in information exchange, research and study meetings, tours, and lectures.

Standing Committees

Seven committees, Ethics Committee, Administration Committee,Corporate Planning Committee, Professional Development Committee, Publicity Committee, Social Contribution Committee, and International Committee, have been established as standing committees and are responsible for the work of the Institution.

Execution Committee

Standing committees have established execution committees for the smooth execution of the projects under their respective jurisdiction. The Professional Development Committee has three execution committees: CPD Promoting Committee, Engineers-in-Training Support Committee, and Young Engineers Support Committee. The International Committee has two execution committees: Japan-Korea PE Exchange Committee and Overseas Activities Support Committee.

Election Administration Committee for Election of Officers

The Election Administration Committee has been established to maintain fairness in the election of candidates for the Board of IPEJ and the election of Executive Members in the Regional Headquarters.

Special Committees

Gender Equality Committee
The purpose of this committee is to conduct activities to increase the number of female professional engineers and female members, and to support the formation of a gender-equal society.
Professional Engineer System Reconsideration Committee
The committee is in charge of matters related to the investigation of issues related to the current professional engineer system and compilation of the results of investigations.
The Committee for promoting Professional Engineers
The committee is in charge of promoting the official use of the professional engineer qualification, and spreading and expanding the use of the qualification in the industrial world.
Organizational Reform Committee
Aims at organizational reform to establish a governance structure for the headquarters and to revitalize regional organizations.

