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Ms. 李 苑 Yuan Li

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Work-Life Balance for female 女性のワークライフバランス

  Ms. 李 苑 Yuan Li (日本在住、中国出身)
  Hitachi Architects and Engineers Co., Ltd
 My name is Yuan Li and I am from China. I am now working in Hitachi Architects and Engineers in Tokyo, Japan as an architect. I am very glad to have had this position to work as everyone else around. It has been not a long time since my staying in Japan, while I believe that I am in a place with gender equality, at least in my work filed. Though it should be recognized that male labors have advantages in some fields such as construction, female workers are taking same responsibilities in our works. As a foreigner, a female foreigner, I am being trained just as all male colleagues around. My supervisor is also a female and she is always doing her best in everything.
 At the same time, house-wife is still very general in Japan and I have always been asked if Japan is a place with great Sexism by my friends and family in China and other countries. This phenomenon cannot be attributed to the lack of gender equality but the consideration of life style. It is very common in China for women to both work and do all house work and this is really making their lives very difficult.
 Actually, as females are always been expected to take responsibilities for their families and house work, we are always feeling confused when facing the balances between “family” and “career”. It is a very complex social problem and is closely related to the cultural of a country. At least, I believe that every working female is willing to take more responsibility on both sides and make a better future for ourselves and the world.
 私は中国からきたYuan Liです。現在、日本の東京にある株式会社日立建設設計で建築技術者として働いています。私は現在の地位を得て周りのみんなと同じように働くことをとてもうれしく思っています。私は日本に来てあまり長くはありませんが、男性と女性が対等な場所にいると思っています。少なくとも私の職場ではそうです。建設業のようないくつかの業界では男性労働者が優位な立場にいますが、私の職場では女性労働者も男性と同じ職責が与えられています。私は、外国人、女性外国人として同僚の男性と全く同じ教育を受けています。私の上司も女性で、何事にも全力を尽くしています。

