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Mr. Pattanasak Kamolngarm

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Equal Opportunity Men and Women 職業における男女平等

  Mr. Pattanasak Kamolngarm (タイ在住)
  Financial and Investment advisor

 Hi! My name is Pattanasak Kamolngarm, a Thai male worker in Investment and Financial field. I am now based in Bangkok, Thailand. In my country, we can see an equal opportunity being given to women and men in most private sector. But in some field like Engineering, Thai women are not very keen in doing such works that require physical strength. On the contrary Thai men are also not very keen on doing nursing works also. In contrast, in the public sector such as Interior Ministry, one may notice that the opportunity given to women to become the leader is less than those opportunities that given to men. The top position like Head of the village, district, or provinces are normally occupied by men. Speaking about my work field, we can see many women in the top position like CEO in Banks, Insurance and Finance companies and the number are increasing rapidly.
 In my opinion, it is good to see the gender equal opportunity because nowadays men and women in my country are given equal opportunity in their education, work and progress in their career path. Thai Law also recently allows women to use her original family name after marriage. Now, Thai women can reach the top position of the big Power Plant. That may because of her working hard habit, knowledge, and good technical and management skills. In conclusion, I think the policy to have a Gender Equality is good since men and women both have strong and weak points. If one can eliminate his or her weak points and effectively use his or her strong points in their work. He or she can become a good leader who can lead the organization to the success.

 こんにちは、私の名はPattanasak Kamolngarmで、バンコクを拠点に金融業界で働くタイ人です。


